Brothers Colin and Dan originated 1 the world’s most successful and extremely innovative water therapy methods - the Evoclear Water Systems. The brothers once mentioned, “We saw a shift in the industry and saw a great opportunity to focus on that shift.” Certainly, these brothers developed Evoclear Water Systems utilizing eco-friendly materials that does not waste water and do not use electricity. In addition, the system doesn't utilize salt for water treatment as it wants to eliminate water systems which are salt-based, which causes harm for the environment.

Each year, plenty of places in California and the whole U.S. are beginning to restrict or prohibit “ion exchange” devices that utilize salt. Evoclear looks to lead a change in the way property owners are trying to treat their water. Nowadays, almost all homeowners focus more in chlorine removal and other chemical-based compounds when filtering the water, and they are less concerned about making the water “soft”. Actually, calcium and magnesium will be swapped with sodium due to salt water softeners; this is the main reason why the water gets “soft”. As a result, folks drink water with sodium instead of water that has natural minerals. ”The old way of dealing with residential water has altered the last few years. Home owners want filtered water full of healthy minerals without the added sodium”, said by the creators of Evoclear.
This resulted to companies like Culligan to experience a state of potential bankruptcy. Nevertheless, Evoclear is a business that strives to alter the old ways of purifying water. The founders of this technology makes sure that they will always carry out studies which further enhances the way people treat water without utilizing sodium or other chemicals.
Evoclear have taken lead in the billion dollar industry that was recently deteriorating because of the wide usage of tap waters by the American householders. A technique called fracking have caught the attention of countless individuals as it promote ways in keeping quality and purity in water treatments.
For almost 30 years, using salt-based water softeners have been discovered to have harmful effects and individuals took a while to observe this. Co-founder Dan stated that, “We want to replace all salt based systems in America. “Homeowners have been duped into purchasing salt softeners over the last 30 years that are not just environmentally unfriendly but are also amazing bad for your health. Basically they are ineffective!” Evoclear also found a method to solve the problem of filters being wasted. A carbon replacement shall be delivered to the clients using this system. Apart from that, one can still reuse the tank used in Evoclear even though the filtering medium had reached its expiration.
Also, savvy homeowners will find this a worthwhile investment, since there’s a lifetime warranty included on the tanks and spare parts.
There’s no denying that the Evoclear has gone theopposite direction in terms of treating water. The reason for this is that they're trying to deal with problems and issues in treating water which has worried many homeowners. Hence, it’s no surprise that Evoclear is making its way to the leading edge because they offer eco-friendly, safe and clean water. Also, their system has a lot of good feedbacks according to the customer satisfaction rate. As a matter of fact, the company offers 1% system return, which is so far the lowest when compared to various firms. Plus, their free 90 day trial and money back guarantee further enhances client satisfaction. Colin also expressed that customers have excellent appreciation for the company and its brand because it provides high quality and safe water for its customers. “We want our systems in every home in America to last for generations.”, he also added.
The durability of our tanks would even give your grandchildren call us 50 years from now for a carbon replacement. We can attest to its durability over time. If you wish to avail our systems, just go to our site at The system’s installation can be done without hassle. In fact; you can set up the system quickly if you've got a simple background in plumbing. But if you don’t have any background information, you can contact for local installers at AngieList. The installation fee will only cost you $200.